

Name: Diane

Occupation: Mother, Photographer

Decade Born: 1960’s

Location: Utah

Compare the memories in your house where you live now to the house that you grew up in.

It’s interesting because I’m trying to make it like when I grew up with my mom and dad in our house in Greenwich. The house was very open and people could come in and out. My father would always welcome anyone. If anyone didn’t have a place to stay, he’d have them spend the night. Even if my mom made dinner just for the family and my sister’s friends came in, my dad would get up and say, “oh no, you sit here…” My father was just very warm and welcoming and anyone could just come in so I wanted to do that in our house. I wanted to make it where all the kids came, but then that can bite you in the ass when they do actually all come. So all the kids hangout at our house even when Fisher isn’t there which is pretty interesting. I’m trying to recreate that ‘everyone is welcome’, safe place, fun… it can be a little challenging sometimes when people do come all the time.



