Airbnb- Change of Plans

On one of my frequent jaunts to NYC, I booked a room in Harlem through airbnb. The two hosts were broadway actresses originally from my home state of Georgia. Each stay is a new experience because of the people you meet. I was looking forward to this stay due to the similarities between myself and the hosts. We are all artists from Georgia who landed in New York City, but they are women and African American.


Alas, I never got to stay there. Plans changed at the last minute and I needed to arrive the following day. I tried to alter my rental, but the actresses had already booked the next night and could not accommodate me.


Even with today’s technology and the immediacy of communication, sometimes it just doesn’t work out. A British friend described the opposite of a conspiracy theory. He call it the Cock-up theory. Even with the best laid plans, things fall apart. Plans, opportunities, people slip through the cracks. And yet there is the coincidence of who we meet and when. Coincidence and fate equally fragile.



