
Name: Richard

Occupation: Artist, Self-employed

Decade Born: 1980’s

Location: New York


“There are moments in our lives, there are moments in a day, when we seem to see beyond the usual. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such are the moments of our greatest wisdom.”

-Robert Henri


Who do you admire the most or who inspires you the most?

You know my obvious answer would probably be Rembrandt, but I don’t know if that’s really the best answer. I think the best answer would perhaps be Leonardo Da Vinci because he was so incredibly dedicated to all of his branches of study that he trained himself to be optimized for performance for whatever he had to apply himself to. He actually adopted a different pattern of sleep so he would, I think, like every 2 hours he would take a half hour nap. His idea was that he always wanted to be in peak shape and he wanted to have as much time as possible for his research and his studies and his art.

What do you do when you’re not working?

Sleep? *chuckles* I have a little bit of downtime in the evenings when I’ll have a glass of wine and maybe watch a movie with a friend or sometimes read a book. In the mornings, I’ll have a cup of coffee and just kind of get myself into a focused state, get myself feeling good about the day, about what I’m doing and I usually about an hour in the afternoon to go for a jog, do some kind of exercise, maybe go for swim and it just helps break things up. Once I feel like I’m lagging at about 3 pm, going and exercising helps to bring me back into focus.




Airbnb- Change of Plans